Tender Light: A Kinship Community Share


Tender Light: A Kinship Community Share

Join us via Zoom Wednesday, Nov. 20th, at 7 pm ET

Please gather with us in the "tender light" of community as we share photographs from a time in our lives when we were struggling and the gentle light of love, beauty, or wholeness revealed itself to us through our photographic practice. Together we will explore the ways that photography can be a light, even, and sometimes especially, in darker moments.

During this gathering, we will not be offering advice or help, instead we will be doing what our Kinship community does best—gathering in simple presence, bearing witness to each other, and through our images (and stories if we choose to share them), finding a way to honor our shared humanity by embracing whatever feelings we bring. Right now, more than ever, we need to be reminded of the power of art, community, and love. Will you join us?

Would you like to share a photograph? If so, please put your photograph in this folder before Tuesday, November 19th at 8 pm ET. Jpeg’s please, and make sure your full name is in the file name of the photograph you share.


Susan Patrice

Mike Belleme, At Home with Death

Frances Bukovsky

Susan Patrice

As the founder and director of Makers Circle, Susan Patrice designs and implements arts-informed community initiatives in partnership with non-arts organizations who want to expand their reach and impact through innovative cross-sector collaboration. Makers Circle has a deep passion for the power of the creative process to encourage adaptive change, expand awareness, and open up new ways of seeing and relating. We believe that the arts and artists should play a major role in community regeneration and non-profit advancement. Web design and digital storytelling are foundational to the work we do with non-profits.


Convergence with Parker J Pfister


Lamentations with Tina Freeman