The Luminous Lumen: A Kinship Skill Share


The Luminous Lumen: A Kinship Skill Share

Join us via Zoom Wednesday, June 12th, 7 pm EDT

Join us this week for the first in a series of Kinship skill-shares. This week we will be exploring lumen printing. Lumen prints are photograms made by placing an object, often organic materials, on photographic paper and exposing the paper to sunlight. This simple, open and experimental process produces luminous, magical, and often surprising results.

For inspiration, we will share work from a variety of different photographers and makers who have experimented with different chemicals, objects, subjects, time duration, and other factors that influence the final print. We will walk you through the whole process (no darkroom needed), provide a supply list, and set up space on Kinship Circle for you to share your lumen experiments and explorations with the wider community.

If your creative process already includes lumens, please share them with us by placing them in this folder so that we can share them with out Kinship community on Wednesday. Please make sure to include your name in the file name of any images you share.


Ruth Steinberg

Susan Patrice

As the founder and director of Makers Circle, Susan Patrice designs and implements arts-informed community initiatives in partnership with non-arts organizations who want to expand their reach and impact through innovative cross-sector collaboration. Makers Circle has a deep passion for the power of the creative process to encourage adaptive change, expand awareness, and open up new ways of seeing and relating. We believe that the arts and artists should play a major role in community regeneration and non-profit advancement. Web design and digital storytelling are foundational to the work we do with non-profits.

The Summer Share with Anna G. Norton


The Summer Share: Project and Portfolio Reviews