Fiercely Attending to Place - A Kinship Circle Back


Fiercely Attending to Place - A Kinship Circle Back

Join us via Zoom Wednesday, November 6th, 7 pm EDT

The places in our lives have great power. Some of them make us feel excited, comfortable, or right at home. In others we feel frightened or alienated or envious. Even places we take for granted, such as the supermarket or a parking lot can evoke different feelings under different circumstances—different either in the place or in us.

In this practice group, participants explored the feelings of place. Guided by Trebbe Johnson, practice group participants worked with hyperawareness (or “fierce consciousness”) to more deeply explore the reactions that places stirred in them. Together they opened the lenses of their imaginations and emotional bodies to contemplate the profound relationships they have with locations that they hold and are held by them—creating images that reveal a powerful, often mysterious, and always intimate world. 

Join us for this robust conversation as we explore the ways in which our camera can alter or amplify the relationships between person and place. How do you express your feeling about a place in a photograph? How do you express yourself in that place in a photograph? And how does your photographer’s eye perceive the way other people experience the place? 

Featuring work by:

Ann Villano

Alli Harper

Clare Palmer

Paul Wanta


Lamentations with Tina Freeman


Photographing Our Complicated Bodies: A Between Bodies Circle Back