Fall Practice Group Open House


Fall Practice Group Open House

Join us via Zoom Wednesday, August 28th, at 7 pm ET

There comes a time in everyone's creative process when we need to expand our resources and find inspiration from peers. At Kinship, we weave our love of inquiry into thematic practice groups that invite photographers of all levels to gather, explore, make, and share work.

Practice groups are as diverse as the people who launch them. Some look and feel more like open, collaborative discussions. In contrast, others might resemble a more structured workshop centered around a facilitator's area of expertise. What all groups share in common is that participants (including the facilitators) are actively creating work, and everyone is invited to share their work with the group for responses, questions, and supportive feedback.

Join us for a practice group meet and greet, ask questions, and find the group that will best support your creative practice. Attendees of the open house will get early access to practice group registration. Click on the links below, read the descriptions, and get your questions ready.

Fall Practice Groups:

Connective Tissue with Kaye Savage

Fiercely Attending to Place with Trebbe Johnson

Image and Response: Writing Ekphrastic Poetry with Meghan Sterling

Photographing Our Complicated Bodies with Frances Bukovsky


Frances Bukovsky

Susan Patrice

As the founder and director of Makers Circle, Susan Patrice designs and implements arts-informed community initiatives in partnership with non-arts organizations who want to expand their reach and impact through innovative cross-sector collaboration. Makers Circle has a deep passion for the power of the creative process to encourage adaptive change, expand awareness, and open up new ways of seeing and relating. We believe that the arts and artists should play a major role in community regeneration and non-profit advancement. Web design and digital storytelling are foundational to the work we do with non-profits.


The Summer Share with Barron Northrup & Tracy Warren


Books & Zines & Q & A with Erik Mace