Between transience and eternity: one afternoon at the river. - Julie Williams Dixon
Between transience and eternity: one afternoon at the river.
Julie Williams Dixon
These images were all made one afternoon as I waded in an ancient river, a body of water. I sunned my body on ancient stones. I pondered the transience of my physical body, my short lifetime, in juxtaposition to these ancient surroundings. On the stone outcroppings there were several rounded bowls carved by Millennia of moving water. These small indentations, full of water, and multitudes of microscopic life, struck me as worlds within worlds. Photographing my reflection in these pools also gave me the sense of being between bodies while also feeling part of the magnificent surroundings. Playing with scale and abstraction with my camera allowed me to explore where my life, my body, lies between transience and eternity.
Julie Williams Dixon is a filmmaker and photographer who splits her time between city life in Raleigh, NC and the Appalachian Mountains of western NC and southwest VA. Her work moves seamlessly from documentary to portraiture to landscape and nature imagery. After an award-winning career spanning more than 40 years, she’s elated to have more time to make art exactly how she wants to.