Collaborative creativity fueled by generosity & wonder.

Making kin on a damaged planet requires open circles that welcome multiple and varied perspectives.

With a passion for inquiry & community, Kinship introduces big themes–that inspire big questions–and big conversations.

We invite hundreds of curious image makers (of all levels) to join us as we question, ponder, explore, and create together. 

Kimberley Anderson

As a community of practice, we encourage and celebrate authenticity and invite honest, playful & courageous engagement.

We understand that your situated history creates uniquely different lived and embodied experiences—your unique way of seeing the world is your gift to Kinship.

Our engagement themes are meant to be doorways, not boxes—each photographer is welcome to follow their process wherever it leads.

Kinship “calls” last for months at a time, giving everyone a chance to find their own authentic response. Think of our prompts as catalysts for your own curiosity & wonder.

Raymond Thompson Jr.

At Kinship generosity and reciprocity are the kindling of our community.

In contrast to cultures of competition, we freely share resources knowing that our unique visual voices will be welcomed, celebrated, and woven into collective projects and exhibitions that provide in-depth and varied perspectives.

Together, we use the phenomenal power of photography to inspire new ways of seeing and being together.

Are you ready to follow your curiosity & wonder to kinship & community?

Kinship warmly welcomes photographers of all levels. Get started with our step-by-step guide.

Explore and join our newest collaborative call for engagement Between Bodies.