A Sense of Place: Site-Specific Cyanotypes with Eric William Carroll
June 8th - 9th, 2023 @ The Bascom, Highlands, North Carolina
Over the course participants will learn the cyanotype process & use it to creatively respond to our surrounding environment. Using the beauty of the Bartram Trail as our foundation, we will explore both cameraless and digital negative approaches and examine how research, history, and site-specificity can inform our work and even function as an unspoken collaborator. This workshop is geared for students with little-to-no experience with cyanotypes, but even a seasoned practitioner should find value in this unique approach to the medium.
Listening to the Land: Practice Group with Kinship Photography Collective
March 25th, 10 am - 4 pm - One-Day Workshop
Many of us yearn to create photographs full of feeling and emotion. Contemplative photography offers us a path. In the spirit of Bartram, we will be centering our practice in humility and wonder in order to deepen our connection with the natural world. This practice will help our photographs come alive with meaning and beauty.
Handmade Photobooks with Erik Mace
September 20th - 23rd, 2023 @ The Bascom, Highlands, North Carolina
This onsite workshop will be an immersive primer into the world of handmade photobooks, using the Bartram Trail as our muse. Each participant will have the same goal: photographing with the form of a book in mind, sequencing those images, then printing and binding them into a handmade, single-edition book. As a group, we'll explore how bookmaking uniquely informs our photographic decisions.
Photographs in Fusion: Handmade Paper with Photo Transfers with Kaye Savage
June 28th - July 1st, 2023 @ The Bascom, Highlands, North Carolina
This 3-day exploration will be an opportunity to unite your photographic practice with the materiality of place. Starting with photography, we will make unique and personal images on the Bartram trail. Next, we'll incorporate elements of the Bartram Trail landscape, including soil pigments and found plant fragments, into handmade paper. Then, we'll use photographic image transfer techniques to delight in the unique qualities of your photographs in fusion with newly crafted sheets of paper.
Listening to the Land: Reimagining Landscape Photography
Schedule this workshop for your organization, group, or school. Please get in touch with us for more details.
Photography can help us see familiar and beloved places in a fresh new way. In the spirit of Bartram, we will be exploring how photography can be a powerful tool to awaken humility and wonder. Together we will deepen our connection with the natural world and our photographs will come alive with meaning and beauty.
The Shape of Summer with Brent Martin & Eric William Carroll
Saturday, July 22nd, 10 am - 4 pm @ Cowee School Arts & Heritage Center in Franklin, NC
Join Brent Martin & Eric William Carroll for a midsummer wildflower walk on the Little Tennessee River followed by a cyanotype workshop. This easy walk will allow participants to collect a wide variety of plants and flowering parts for the creation of their own cyanotype, as well as learn about the incredible plant diversity in the Little Tennessee Watershed. Together we'll create photograms (cameraless photographs) that showcase the broad range of interpretations each plant can have. No experience is necessary and this workshop is appropriate for ages 10+. All materials will be provided.