Planet: A Community Show & Share
Planet: A Community Show & Share
Join us via Zoom Wednesday, August 3rd, at 7 pm ET
How does photography help us make kin with our planet? Over the past month, questions and images have emerged in response to our first Planet call for engagement. This week, we will gather, share, discuss and celebrate the photographs you have created and the wisdom you have gleaned through your own exploration and practice. Themes include multiple scales of space and time, geologic happenings, solargrams, personal reflections, and more.
There is still time to contribute images for the conversation. Use the hashtags #kinshipphotoplanet and #kinshipphoto on Instagram and Facebook before August 1st. Don’t be shy; we are a community of practice and love to see works in process. Everyone is welcome.
This community conversation with be facilitated by Kaye Savage and Eric William Carroll.