Persons: Call for Engagement
Persons: Call for Engagement
Join us via Zoom Wednesday, October 12th, at 7 pm ET
Through Kinship, we are exploring dynamic and inspiring questions that nest, overlap, and intertwine within four main themes: planet, place, persons, and partners. Join us this week as we hone in on the theme of “persons” and launch a month-long call for engagement.
The definition of personhood is malleable. It is as expansive as our universe. Western society has historically constructed strict categories of personhood - how can photography help us expand our definitions of it? Through practice, can we learn to respectfully engage in relationships and conversations with all persons?
We hope you will join us for this month-long call for engagement as we share thought starters, questions, and inspiration related to this rich theme.
Raymond Thompson Jr.
Erik Mace
Casey Visco