In Praise of the Earth: An Earth Month Exploration


In Praise of the Earth: An Earth Month Exploration

Join us via Zoom Wednesday, May 22nd, 7 pm EDT

As we face unprecedented ecological devastation, many of us feel hopeless and overwhelmed, especially if we are sensitive, empathetic, and loving people. While we long to make a difference, it's hard to imagine that our gifts are enough. But what if the climate crisis is actually a crisis of intimacy?

This perspective changes everything. Now, our sensitivity, empathy, and capacity for connection becomes our most potent gifts for reimagining and transforming our relationships.

Over the past month, Kinship community members have been responding to three prompts adapted from Joanna Macy and Molly Brown’s book Coming Back to Life and recently featured on We Are The Great Turning podcast. Here, they introduce a powerful process called Open Sentences. Designed as a structure for spontaneous expression, “open sentences” are usually practiced in listening circles where partners ask each other questions and invite open verbal response.

Join us as Kinship community members share the photographs and reflections that arose in response to the prompts.

Diana Borden

Susan Patrice

As the founder and director of Makers Circle, Susan Patrice designs and implements arts-informed community initiatives in partnership with non-arts organizations who want to expand their reach and impact through innovative cross-sector collaboration. Makers Circle has a deep passion for the power of the creative process to encourage adaptive change, expand awareness, and open up new ways of seeing and relating. We believe that the arts and artists should play a major role in community regeneration and non-profit advancement. Web design and digital storytelling are foundational to the work we do with non-profits.

Kinship Check In: Shaping our Summer Season


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