Becoming Human in a More-Than-Human World with Gavin Van Horn
Becoming Human in a More-Than-Human World with Gavin Van Horn
Join us via Zoom Wednesday, June 15th, at 7 pm ET
As Executive Editor of the Center for Humans and Nature Press, Gavin develops and directs transdisciplinary projects that seek to illuminate what it means to become human within a more-than-human world. Most recently Gavin co-edited Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations, a five-volume series that inspired our Kinship call for engagement.
In this lively conversation, we will be exploring the ways that “personhood” transcends the human species and how a cross-species gaze can be life-changing. Through this conversation, we will learn more about how kinship practices can deepen our intimacy, care, and respect for the more-than-human world and transform our creative practice.
Resources to explore: