Between Bodies: Winter Practice Groups


Between Bodies: Winter Practice Groups

Join us via Zoom Wednesday, January 10th, at 7 pm ET


There is no better way to explore the creative and collaborative exchanges between bodies than in a practice group. Practice groups are facilitated gatherings that include a robust and dynamic overarching theme or question that lives at the center of the group and inspires thoughtful and creative inquiry and exploration. Practice groups are containers for new work and new ideas that encourage both the facilitators and participants to stretch and grow within their creative practice. Different from workshops, practice groups are designed to be less hierarchical and instead draw upon the wisdom and embodied creative experiences of everyone in the room while remaining open to the surprises that arise when people learn and create together.

Join us this Wednesday for the opportunity to meet the practice group facilitators, learn more about each group, and choose the one that best fits your practice. Attendees on Wednesday will be given early access to practice group sign-ups.

Upcoming practice groups include:

The Joy of Letting Go: Randomness & Collaboration with Eric William Carroll

Reimagining Loss and Grief with Lyn Swett Miller

A Complex Definition of a Body with Frances Bukovsky

Visualizing Body Sovereignty and Queer Belonging with Morgain Bailey

Pacing and Perseverance: Bodies of Work over the Long Haul with Anna G Norton and Eric William Carroll 

Photographing from the Senses with Kim Ort: A Community Wide (Asynchronous) Practice Group on Kinship Circle

We couldn’t be more excited about practicing, playing, and exploring together.

Attendees on Wednesday will be given early access to practice group sign-ups.


Anna G Norton

Eric William Carroill

Frances Bukovsky

Lyn Swett Miller

Morgain Bailey

Kim Ort

Susan Patrice

As the founder and director of Makers Circle, Susan Patrice designs and implements arts-informed community initiatives in partnership with non-arts organizations who want to expand their reach and impact through innovative cross-sector collaboration. Makers Circle has a deep passion for the power of the creative process to encourage adaptive change, expand awareness, and open up new ways of seeing and relating. We believe that the arts and artists should play a major role in community regeneration and non-profit advancement. Web design and digital storytelling are foundational to the work we do with non-profits.

Kinship Community Conversation and Q&A


Between Bodies: Our Winter Call-for-Engagement