Anna Rotty - Phosphene
I think a lot about places of connection and disconnection. Through material investigations and with alternative processes, I explore inhabiting all our human multitudes and emotional experiences with the environment by creating slow, constructed images of potential future worlds.
Anna Rotty
What lies underneath?
Where infrastructure and the natural world collaborate
To unearth what is both life giving and destructive
Let’s linger where things get complicated
A celebration of chaos and entropy
An exciting emergency
Moments of violence and protection
A path blocked creating a home
An empathetic witness
Hoping to disrupt a passive gaze
A shift in energy and power
Anna Rotty’s work contemplates vulnerability, distance and connection. Recent work explores nostalgia and empathy through different ways of seeing. By constructing images that mimic another, whether by accessing a memory, building an alternative landscape or rendering projections, Anna looks to highlight the intangible and emotional aspects of the world. She is currently pursuing an MFA in photography at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and an emerging member at Strata Gallery Santa Fe.